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- With a deft move under braking for the tight Turn 3 hairpin, Ricky Taylor claimed the lead of today’s Chevrolet Sports Car Classic, then went on to claim victory with starting co-driver Filipe Albuquerque today on the streets of Detroit, Michigan.
- It was a sunny day in central California where the #40 Acura ARX-06 from Wayne Taylor Racing with Andretti Global marched forward from eighth on the grid to fourth at the line in today's Motul Course de Monterey IMSA run at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.


- With a deft move under braking for the tight Turn 3 hairpin, Ricky Taylor claimed the lead of today’s Chevrolet Sports Car Classic, then went on to claim victory with starting co-driver Filipe Albuquerque today on the streets of Detroit, Michigan.
- After an initial shakedown last week, Acura Motorsports has successfully completed two days of testing of the new, electrified Acura ARX-06 LMDh prototype, which will race in the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship hybrid-powered GTP category beginning ...
- Wayne Taylor Racing’s Filipe Albuquerque led the charge for Acura in today’s qualifying from Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, qualifying the #10 Konica Minolta Wayne Taylor Racing Acura ARX-05 second on the grid for Sunday’s race.

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